” Immobile ” released on video Sat. June 12th 2021. Recorded in Benidorm Spain
Immobile on a video released on June 12th, 2021. Featuring Victor ” The Viking ” Montfort. Album Exceptionnellement. Recorded in Benidorm Spain. Do Cobalt …
Immobile on a video released on June 12th, 2021. Featuring Victor ” The Viking ” Montfort. Album Exceptionnellement. Recorded in Benidorm Spain. Do Cobalt …
“Le Ciel” on video from last Simeon Lenoir’s album: “Exceptionnellement”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B98CiYAB2z0 Written, composed & performed by Simeon Lenoir https://simeonlenoir.com/product/exceptionnellement-full-album-copy/ Simeon Lenoir vocal guitar, Samuel …
“On réforme” on video. A sample from the previous album ” Ce Pays” by Simeon Lenoir is now available here & on Youtube—more videos …
The second part of the new album in French by Simeon Lenoir “Exceptionnellement” will be released on June 21st this year. 8 tracks featuring …
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=latxsE1YNCM Written & composed by Simeon Lenoir – Album ” Exceptionnellement “. Video featuring Simeon Lenoir, Juan Rivera, Katell le Daim, Fadila, Assia …
https://www.letelegramme.fr/cotes-darmor/saint-brieuc/le-globe-trotter-simeon-lenoir-de-retour-avec-un-nouvel-album-13-03-2021-12718342.php “Pour son vingtième album, « Exceptionnellement », l’infatigable globe-trotter Siméon Lenoir a posé ses valises à Paris, marquant ainsi un retour à son …
Simeon Lenoir is staying in Spain regularly for 5 years in the province of Alicante. He recorded one of his albums over there ” …
After Saint-Brieuc last week, the poster campaign keeps rolling in Saint-Malo this week. There are warm support and good feedback from Simeon Lenoir’s fan …
⭐ https://simeonlenoir.com/product/exceptionnellement-full-album-copy/