Simeon Lenoir / Perkupirate – Doors open at Moto Concept – 28/3/20 (Postponed)
On your diary: https://www.bretagne-motoconcept.com/ Perkupirate, the battery of pirate boarding ://www.facebook.com/perkupirate/
On your diary: https://www.bretagne-motoconcept.com/ Perkupirate, the battery of pirate boarding ://www.facebook.com/perkupirate/
Great show in Penguily last Saturday. We will be back in this little big village on May 23rd for the Forty Football club party.
Un article du Ouest France de ce jour pour le concert de Simeon Lenoir à la salle des fêtes de Penguilly.
Saturday, January 25th. Salle des fêtes. 5 € Penguily – 22 – France Produced by Do Cobalt
I am delighted to launch my new website Simeonlenoir.com. Looking forward to receiving your feedback and comments. Be welcome! A big thank you to …