Entre le ciel et l’au delà (Park gate)

Simeon Lenoir

"Entre le ciel et l'au delà" (Park Gate) is a second version of previous album "Entre le ciel et l'au delà" (Rostrenen)

All songs are written and composed by Simeon Lenoir, Except "3 longs jours" by Lahaye, Lahaye, Gosson, & Dour.
Simeon Lenoir - Vocal & Guitar, Vincent Lahaye - Bass, Antoine Lahaye - Guitar, David Gosson - Drums, Jonathan Dour - Violin

Recording at Park Gate studio Sussex England by Doug Cook assisted by Sacha and Vincent Crenn
Mastering La Source - Paris by Jean-Pierre & Sébastien. Photo by Rakko Okino

Tour manager and insert by Anne-Sophie Defrance. Graphism by Pierre Covain
Produced by Claude Chamboissier for Jaycee Prod Ltd. All rights reserved  SACEM

Do Cobalt

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